The IBC Chronicles

Welcome to the Inter Blockchain County

The Big Hub

CFT-20 an earthlike dwarf planet

As you are approaching CFT-20, an earthlike dwarf planet nestled within the asteroid belt of the ROIDS solar system in the expansive Cosmoverse, you're greeted by its rugged beauty. As you get closer to this celestial oasis, the swirling mass of colossal asteroids encircling it creates an awe-inspiring backdrop, but also poses a formidable challenge to any traveler attempting to navigate through the dense asteroid belt to reach the planet.

You have clearly come a long way!

Looking down from above, you grasp the true expanse of the populated region on this planet, known as the Inter Blockchain County (IBC). Even amidst the colossal asteroids encircling CFT-20, the radiant lights of The Big Hub - the bustling capital city of the IBC - gleam like a beacon of hope.

Towering skyscrapers pierce the sky of the Big Hub, their luminous windows cutting through the surrounding darkness. From space, the shimmering glow of this huge city is unmistakable, a testament to the boldness and ambition of those who have staked their claim in this untamed frontier.

But don't be fooled by the dazzling skyline. The Big Hub is a unique place where people from all corners of the galaxy converge to make their mark. It's a melting pot of cultures and species each bringing their own flair to the city's streets.

The Big Hub - Capital of the IBC

By day, The Big Hub buzzes with the sounds of business and chatter, a thriving metropolis where fortunes are made with a single deal. Yet beneath this facade of progress lies a darker side. As night descends, the neon glow illuminates a different world - one where syndicates battle for control and vice and corruption are the currency of choice. In the labyrinth of shadowy alleys and hidden corners justice is fleeting and alliances can shift in the blink of an eye. Here, the city never truly sleeps and survival depends on wits, cunning and a generous dose of luck.

Despite the chaos and turmoil, there's an undeniable sense of opportunity in the air. The Big Hub is a place where you can reinvent yourself, where the bold and daring can rise to the top and where your fate is only limited by your imagination. If you want to thrive here, you'll need to be sharp, resourceful and ready to embrace the unexpected. Welcome to the Inter Blockchain County - where fortunes are made, alliances are broken and legends are born.


Nate "Godfather" Brooks - Father of the IBC Cronicles

The name's Nate Brooks, but folks 'round here know me as “Godfather“, a title I earned through years of navigating the treacherous streets with cunning and charisma. I used to run these streets during the infancy of the IBC, when The Big Hub was still finding its footing and the notorious IBC Intruders were the only gang around. I was just a kid then, learning the ropes, figuring out how to survive in a city where if you weren't the hunter, you were the hunted.

I had a solid crew back then. Tight-knit and down for whatever. The kind of folks you knew had your back when things got hot. We moved as one, no hesitation, no second-guessing. That's how we rolled.

Nowadays, I'm a bit older and a lot wiser, watching the city from the sidelines. You don't grow old in the IBC, so I decided to preserve these stories and put them to paper for the generations to come. So consider me your guide through this neon jungle, where the streets are as dangerous as they are vibrant.

The IBC, the Inter Blockchain County that is, ain't like any place you've been before. It's a sprawling mess of syndicates, each claiming their piece of turf and fighting tooth and nail to keep it.

Everything goes down in The Big Hub, the capital city of the IBC. It's a place of bright lights and even darker corners, where the night never really ends and everybody's working some kind of hustle. The syndicates are like a deck of cards, each with its own suit, but they're all playing the same game: power, respect and cold hard cash. Step out of line and you'll find yourself in a world of trouble.

So listen up and I'll tell you what's what. I'll be your eyes and ears on the street, but you gotta keep your wits about you. The IBC's a cutthroat zone where vice and corruption are the real currency. If you're aiming to make it out in one piece, you better know who you can trust and who you need to dodge. Let's just say I've been around long enough to know the difference.

A New Era

Back in the old days, the IBC Intruders was a tight-knit crew. We were the OGs - the “Original Gangsters” - running the streets, keeping order in our own rough way. But things change, don't they? We were young and hungry, always looking for the next big score. Some of us made it out, some didn't. And the rest? Well, they went their separate ways.

A new chapter in the IBC has just begun.

Some of the OGs figured they could hit the jackpot by linking up with other syndicates. The streets got wilder, the lights got flashier and everyone was out there hustling for that paper. These folks scattered across the IBC, most heading to The Big Hub, chasing their come-up, trying to get a taste of the high life. A few of them still keep in touch. You know, old friends like “Scotty B.“, “Bones“ and “Iron Mike“. They're solid folks.

But it ain't all sunshine and rainbows. When you've got that many old-school toughs looking for a new gig, it shakes things up. Every syndicate wants a piece of the action and these OGs bring skills that can't be taught in any classroom. It's like throwing a lit match into a barrel of gasoline. The IBC is humming with energy and you can feel the tension rising.

Me? I'm just sitting back, watching it all unfold. I know this city and I know that when you have this many players with this much ambition, something's gonna give. These OGs are like sparks in the wind and it's only a matter of time before they find something to ignite. So keep your eyes open and your ear to the ground. If you think the IBC is wild now, just wait — things are about to get interesting.

A True Sin

Hard to get... impossible to forget.

Yo, homie, do you know Lana? Nah? Maybe you know her by her street name, “True Sin“. Yeah, that's more like it. Everybody and their grandma knows Lana. Even those uptight suits in the Upper East get all starry-eyed just hearing about her. But here's the thing, she's got a rep for being hard to get. Like, she's not some princess or anything, but she's got standards, you feel me? And her big bro, 8-Ball, he ain't letting nobody near her. Dude's like a guard dog and he ain't too fond of our kind. No sir, he'd rather see us six feet under than hanging with his sis.

But check this out - I heard 8-Ball and his IBC Intruders got nabbed on their last heist. They're locked up in the pen and unless they've got some Houdini tricks up their sleeves, they're gonna be there a while. I ain't crying over 8-Ball, dude had it coming. But Lana, man, she's all alone now. She might need some... comforting, if you catch my drift.

But don't go rushing in like a headless chicken. Lana's got a thing for flashy and she ain't gonna give you the time of day if you're broke.

You gotta step up your game, get some cash flowing and show her you're worth her time. 'Cause she's the kinda girl who'll turn you down just for wearing the wrong kicks. So if you're gonna make a move, make sure you do it right.

Alright, that's the lowdown. Good luck, homie. And remember, play it cool and don't let 8-Ball catch you sniffing around.

No Messing Around

Locked up tight in the depths of IBC Penitentiary, there was 8-Ball, sweatin' bullets over rumors flyin' 'bout his sister, Lana. They say she's gettin' cozy with some slick cat they call “Crypto Pimp“. Now, that kind of talk? It don't sit right with a man like 8-Ball, not one bit.

Prophet mastered the code of law.

So, there he was, brains cookin' up a storm of a plan, when it hits him - Prophet. Yeah, you heard right, the legal eagle from them fancy Saga Saints. Man's slicker than oil on water, with enough tricks up his sleeve to make a magician cry. One call to Prophet, and bam! It's like Houdini worked his magic; 8-Ball's out faster than you can blink, breathin' the free air like it's sweet perfume.

But that ain't the whole show, no sir. 8-Ball wasn't about to hit the streets solo. Nope, he brought his crew along for the ride, all sprung from the pen thanks to Prophet's fancy footwork. Four tough nuts, each one as loyal to 8-Ball as the next, all hungry for a bit of action after their time behind bars.

Together, they're a force to reckon with, stormin' through the city like a pack of wolves on the prowl. Everybody's lookin' over their shoulders, 'cause when 8-Ball and his boys are on the hunt, you best believe the city feels it.

Better lay low - 8-Ball is back in town.

Crypto Pimp, meanwhile, is keepin' his cool, staying sharp and watchful. He knows the streets like the back of his hand, and while 8-Ball's name carries weight, Pimp's got his own moves to play. With 8-Ball and his crew back on the scene, it's only a matter of time before paths cross and sparks fly.

So, if you're not rollin' with the IBC Intruders or just caught in the crossfire, keep your head down and your affairs in order. 'Cause when 8-Ball's on the warpath, ain't no one safe from the storm about to break.


Out front of the Enclave, Crypto Pimp was holding court, cool as ice, flanked by his top three heavy-hitters. The joint was buzzing, a neon palace that drew the city's slickest cats like moths to a flame. Lit up with flashy signs and pumping out the latest beats, it was the playground of the high rollers and hustlers. Standing there, the pimp made it clear he ain't sweating nobody - not even 8-Ball.

Word on the street was hot, buzzing that 8-Ball was back in the game, hunting him because of some cozy rumors with Lana. But Crypto Pimp ain't no rookie; never stepping out without his muscle, especially not when the city's eyes were glued to him in such a hotspot.

As the night rolled on, the air got thick, charged up with the vibe that 8-Ball and his posse were about to make their move. And sure enough, here came the IBC Intruders, fresh off the pen, strutting into the scene like they owned it. 8-Ball, riding high on rage, was leading the pack, eyeing the pimp like a hawk.

You could feel the heat...

The standoff was tight, the kind that promised trouble with any wrong move. The crowd around them felt it too, the fun of the night dimmed by the crackling tension, everyone packed in tight, the thumping music from inside the Enclave barely drowning out the raw pulse of the standoff.

But just when things looked like they were about to blow up, in steps Lana, smooth as silk. She moved with purpose, threading her way between these towering figures of her brother and the pimp. Her words were sharp, slicing through the static, cooling heads before things could go south.

Her stepping in dialed down the heat, at least for the moment. Folks watched her pull 8-Ball back, her voice lingering in the air, a stark reminder of the thin line of peace she just drew.

But peace? That's just a pretty word in the IBC. As Lana and 8-Ball faded back, the Osmosis Outlaws, Crypto Pimp's allies, shifted their weight, a silent vow of backup if things escalated.

As the night pulled on, the shadows grew deeper, every nod and whisper loaded, ready to set off the next big bang. The whole city was holding its breath, watching the fuse get short, knowing full well when it blew, it was gonna be one for the books.

A Strange Guy

It's another day in the IBC, but things are starting to get a little... strange. I mean, there's always weird stuff going down in The Big Hub, but this one's got everyone talking.

Word is, there's this new dude in town, calls himself “Dante the Wizard“. Yeah, sounds like a stage name, right? But don't be fooled, 'cause this guy ain't pulling rabbits out of hats or sawing people in half for laughs. Nah, he's on a whole other level.

Nobody knows where Dante came from or how powerful he really is...

You hear stories, like the one about him walking into a back-alley card game and straight-up making everyone's cash disappear - literally. Dude just waved his hand, and poof, all the bills went up in smoke, like they were never there. He left the place with his pockets full, while the rest of them were left picking their jaws off the floor. Or that one time he got into a bar fight, and the bottles and chairs started flying without anyone touching them. Freaky, right?

But here's the kicker. People say Dante's not just some street performer with a few tricks up his sleeve. They say he's got connections, deep connections. Like, he might be playing both sides of the gang war between the IBC Intruders and the Osmosis Outlaws. He's moving in the shadows, whispering in ears, and nobody knows whose side he's really on. You cross him, and you might end up cursed - or worse.

So, if you happen to run into Dante the Wizard, watch yourself. Don't let his smooth talk and flashy moves fool you. He's got plans, and you don't wanna be part of them unless you're sure you know what you're getting into.

Anyway, keep your head down and your ears open. This place was already a powder keg, and now it's got a wizard running around. Who knows what's gonna happen next? Stay sharp, homie.

Night out with the Crips

The Enclave was buzzing!

Friday night, and The Big Hub got that buzz - the kind that makes every club pulse with energy. Folks are ready to let loose, and no place does it better than the Enclave, where DJ Wood is spinning the latest beats, and MC Icon is on the mic, hyping up the crowd.

But tonight's different. There's this new face in the club, and he doesn't blend in. It's “Dante the Wizard“. He walks in like he owns the place with a staff in hand that glows with a strange electric light. He's got this aura that makes the music feel like background noise. He saunters to the bar, and the bartender can't help but glance at the staff. Dante orders a drink, and when the glass slides down the bar, he stops it with a touch of his staff - just a tap, but enough to make everyone watching shiver. The Cosmos Crips, who usually run this joint, are eyeing him from across the room. They're not used to strangers stepping in and acting like they belong.

Dante makes his way to the stage, and that's when things get tense. DJ Wood is in the zone, headphones on, mixing tracks. But Dante leans over and whispers something in his ear. Whatever he says, it doesn't sit right with Wood. The DJ shoves him back, but Dante's grin just widens. He taps his staff on the turntables, and a spark of electricity arcs through the equipment, sending a sharp crackle through the speakers.

The second MC Icon saw Dante approaching the stage, he knew this guy would be trouble.

MC Icon jumps in, trying to defuse the situation, but Dante's got other plans. He swings his staff around, pointing it at the Cosmos Crips. One of them lunges at him, but before he can even touch Dante, the wizard disappears in a flash of electric light, leaving behind a puff of smoke and a room full of confusion.

The Crips are left fuming, DJ Wood's gear is fried, and MC Icon is scrambling to keep the party from turning into a riot. The Stargaze Sorcerers, Dante's crew, are watching from the shadows, ready to back him up. Now the beef is real, and everyone's wondering if Dante's going to show up again - or if he's already planning his next move.


It was a beautiful day in The Big Hub! But something gelt different today...

Central Square was humming with activity, but today felt different. People were out in droves, but the usual street vendors and performers seemed tense. Everyone could sense it - the air was heavy with anticipation, like a storm was brewing.

Up to no good - the Osmosis Outlaws

The first to arrive were the Osmosis Outlaws, their blacked-out SUVs cruising in and parking with an air of menace. They spilled out, all dressed in dark colors, eyes scanning the park. They weren't here for the scenery; they were looking for someone, and they meant business.

Next came the IBC Intruders, arriving in a different style - motorcycles roaring, tires screeching. They parked on the opposite side of the square, their leather jackets gleaming under the streetlights. There was a long-standing beef between them and the Outlaws, but tonight, they seemed content to keep their distance and just watch.

It didn't take long for the Cosmos Crips to roll up. Their convoy of lowriders cruised in with loud music blasting, attracting the usual crowd of curious onlookers. But this wasn't just a party; they were armed and ready for trouble. The Crips kept a close eye on the Intruders and the Outlaws, knowing full well that things could turn ugly at any moment.

When the syndicates showed up left and right everyone knew, this day would not end well

Finally, the Stargaze Sorcerers made their entrance. They were more low-key, but they had an air of mystery that drew attention. Their leader walked in front, flanked by a few of his closest followers. They didn't carry obvious weapons, but you could tell they were packing something.

Now, all four syndicates were in the same place, each with their own reasons for being there. The Intruders and the Outlaws had their beef, but the Crips and the Sorcerers had their own score to settle. It was a tense standoff, with everyone watching each other, waiting for someone to make the first move.

The air grew thick with tension. Conversations stopped, and the usual buzz of the park fell silent. It was clear that this wasn't just a coincidence - something had drawn these syndicates together, and it wasn't for a friendly meet-up. It was only a matter of time before someone sparked the powder keg.

As the square grew quieter, everyone kept their eyes on the others, each gang waiting for a sign, a provocation, a reason to act. The city had seen its share of gang conflicts, but never like this - four of the new syndicates in one place at the same time, with tempers on edge.

This night had all the makings of a legend, but legends aren't always pretty, and nobody was sure how this one would end. Chaos sparked, when the first shot got fired and suddenly hell broke loose...

Gangsters featured in "Coincidence"

IBC Gangsters #013
IBC Gangsters #034
IBC Gangsters #056
IBC Gangsters #062
IBC Gangsters #070
IBC Gangsters #093
IBC Gangsters #164
IBC Gangsters #207
IBC Gangsters #225
IBC Gangsters #283
IBC Gangsters #288
IBC Gangsters #037
IBC Gangsters #422
IBC Gangsters #015
IBC Gangsters #073
IBC Gangsters #074
IBC Gangsters #086
IBC Gangsters #098
IBC Gangsters #139
IBC Gangsters #177
IBC Gangsters #195
IBC Gangsters #218
IBC Gangsters #234
IBC Gangsters #265
IBC Gangsters #429
IBC Gangsters #446
IBC Gangsters #117
IBC Gangsters #254
IBC Gangsters #256
IBC Gangsters #273
IBC Gangsters #290
IBC Gangsters #297
IBC Gangsters #299
IBC Gangsters #408
IBC Gangsters #410
IBC Gangsters #414
IBC Gangsters #456
IBC Gangsters #484
IBC Gangsters #499
IBC Gangsters #046
IBC Gangsters #060
IBC Gangsters #243
IBC Gangsters #248
IBC Gangsters #268
IBC Gangsters #269
IBC Gangsters #272
IBC Gangsters #295
IBC Gangsters #327
IBC Gangsters #332
IBC Gangsters #354
IBC Gangsters #356
IBC Gangsters #374
IBC Gangsters #376
IBC Gangsters #386
IBC Gangsters #393
IBC Gangsters #395
IBC Gangsters #397
IBC Gangsters #398
IBC Gangsters #426
IBC Gangsters #452
IBC Gangsters #483

Shifting Sands

The Big Hub is a different place after the day of "The Big Coincidence"

The Central Square turned into a warzone after one guy lost his temper. It was like watchin' a row of dominoes fall, but way bloodier. After this fateful day - that went down in history as “The Big Coincidence“ - the IBC ain't what it used to be. The four gangs - IBC Intruders, Osmosis Outlaws, Cosmos Crips, and the Stargaze Sorcerers - took a major hit and The Big Hub grew quiet.

While the Saga Saints, a slick crew with a taste for the high life and connections that run deep, sat pretty in the upper east, the Migaloo Misfits kept hustling their business down in the slums, scrappy and ready to claw their way to the top. And drawn by the chaos "The Big Coincidence" created, two new crews emerged...

The Akash Assassins emerged after the pradigm of the IBC shifted

The Akash Assassins, heavily armed and deadly, started rolling downtown. They wore their irons out for everyone to see, striking fear into the hearts, daring anyone to step up. Although making moves with preciscion and discipline they didn't seem interested in control or turf; they were just making it clear - a new paradigm had started in the IBC: survival of the fittest.

The second crew flowed into the city like someone opened the floodgates. Rocking yellow gear or bandanas, the Luna Legion rolled in. Didn't take long before they took over the Enclave, marking their territory like stray dogs. Some of them looked like they came from far away. Swear I even saw some androids and dudes hooked up with biotech.

The IBC's a different beast now and the old big four couldn't do much about it. Licking their wounds they fell silent. The Legion rules with an iron fist, dealing with trouble quick and dirty. There's a shaky peace between them and the Assassins; maybe they cut a deal behind closed doors. But something feels off. Feels like someone else is pulling the strings, but I can't be sure.

The sands of power are shifting and I knew this was coming. Too many players, too many agendas in a city too small for that much heat - it was bound to explode. I'm keepin' it low, watchin' from the shadows, glad to be breathin' another day. I am curious to see where this new “Game of Power“ leads us to. I'll keep my eyes and ears open for ya!

The Luna Legion

The Luna Legion came up fast and hard. Their rise was ruthless, rolling through the streets like a pack of wolves with no clear leader and no fixed rules. You'd hear their manic laughter before you saw them, and by then, it was already too late. They hit nightclubs, street races, and any spot they could mark. In no time, they had a big slice of the underground locked down.

The Luna Legion runs these streets now. Remember to keep your head down whenever you cross their path.

The Luna Legion became the new face of the IBC, not playing by the old rules. The other gangs noticed, but they were too busy dealing with their own problems to stop them. The Central Square shootout changed the game, and the Luna Legion made sure everyone knew it.

If you ever cross paths with the Luna Legion, you better fall in line with their rules. Word is, they came from far away, fleeing when their home planet went up in smoke. Someone got greedy, dug too deep, and built on a shaky foundation - hollow ground. These thugs never forgot the menace of greed, but they ain't planning to change their ways; same story, different place. These guys look like trouble...

Gangsters featured in "The Luna Legion"

IBC Gangsters #012
IBC Gangsters #023
IBC Gangsters #038
IBC Gangsters #042
IBC Gangsters #122
IBC Gangsters #305
IBC Gangsters #323
IBC Gangsters #334
IBC Gangsters #428
IBC Gangsters #443

Fallen Saints

Firestarter joined the Misfits because he wanted nothing to do with the Luna Legion.

With the Luna Legion occupying the streets of the Big Hub, the landscape has changed. Those maniacs have taken over, but not everyone's down with their game. My cousin Firestarter, he isn't one for following the rules of those lunatics. So, he rolled with the Migaloo Misfits instead. The Misfits, they're holding the upper hand in the suburban parts of the IBC, keeping things under control where the Legion's chaos doesn't reach.

Firestarter joined the Misfits because he wanted nothing to do with the Luna Legion. Those Misfits, they run the back alleys and keep the underground supplied with all sorts of contraband. But the stuff they're pushing? It does more than mess with your mind - it gives some of them freaky strength, like they're hitting the gym twenty-four-seven. But the downside? Some guys end up with strangely glowing eyes and a skin that's got a nasty green tint.

Do not let her looks fool you. Sasha Grey is a ruthless leader and does not like sharing power

Anyway, Firestarter has been telling me that the Migaloo Misfits are keeping an eye on the upper Eastside. Word is, a new syndicate moved in - goes by the name of Saga Saints. These folks are fancy, decked out in black and white suits like they're heading to a ball. They have a real hottie in their ranks, a woman called Sasha Grey. Don't let her looks fool you, though. She is just as ruthless as the rest of the Saints. And they're not happy with the Migaloo Misfits pushing their goods around. Rumor has it, the Saga Saints are trying to cut off the Misfits' supply lines by flooding the streets with their own special product.

Now the Misfits aren't the type to sit back and let that slide. Firestarter says it's only a matter of time before things get ugly. He's seen the Saints making moves, scoping out the Misfits' territory, and trying to turn suppliers. It's like a ticking time bomb, and when it goes off, the streets are gonna be a war zone.

Firestarter is worried, and I don't blame him. When the Misfits and the Saints clash, you know it's gonna be bad for everyone in the middle. These syndicates don't take prisoners, and they don't back down. Things are about to get hotter than this damn summer already is.

To be continued...